Saturday, August 29, 2009

Seoul Day 2

We met up with our new friends from the Holt BB and their adorable baby boy for some lunch and shopping at Itaewon. They have been here several days longer than us, so they were very helpful in showing us how to navigate the subway system. It was such a fun day. We got some souveniers for the boys, and had a scroll painted of Eliza's name. Each letter of her name on the scroll is incorporated into a beautiful picture. He painted it right there while we watched and it only took him about 10 minutes to complete. It was amazing to watch.

Perhaps Wooribank is not the best name for a financial institution


  1. LOL, I love that bank picture. Today was fun!!!

  2. Oooh, we tried SO hard to find the scroll guy and just never did--I think he just wasn't there that day...

    Isn't the subway system amazing?!

    Can't wait to see pictures of you with Eliza!!!
